Learn about our history here.

Here you will find information about our Clinicians' professional credentials, a brief biography, office hours, policies and general information about the Clinicians’ practice.

Physician Opportunities
We focus on creating a workplace where people enjoy the challenge of their career, create and engage in best practices and are treated with respect.

We work with many community partnerships that provide services to our patients and our community.

The Medical Centre is committed to providing barrier-free Customer Service.

Scent Policy
We are working to reduce the presence of scented products which are known to induce Scent Sensitivity. Many individuals have become hypersensitive to common chemical and environmental stimuli.

Privacy & Confidentiality
We are committed to collecting, using and disclosing personal information responsibly and only to the extent necessary for the services we provide.
Day/After Hours Clinic

Flu Season

Your Clinicians

Scent Policy