Clinicians Directory
Specialty | Doctor's Name | Phone Number |
Audiology | Mr. Roy Braun | 705-876-4555 |
Cardiology |
Family Medicine Physicians |
Gastroenterology |
General Surgery | Dr. B. Banks | 705-876-4595 |
Internal Medicine & Gastroenterology | Dr. A. Sivaraman | 705-874-1517 |
Obstetrics & Gynaecology |
Dr. O. Sobowale | 705-876-4529 | |
Oto-Rhino-Laryngology |
Pediatrics |
Plastic Surgery |
Dr Boyer Patients
If you would like to request a copy of your child’s chart, please email: and include:
- • Mother and father name
- • Provide copy of custody order if applicable
- • Name and date of birth of child
- • Contact Number
Please note there is a charge for preparing a copy of the chart. You will be contacted when the chart is ready for pick-up.
Family Health Team

Specialist Physicians