Useful Links
Gathered for you is a list of helpful resources for any health related concerns you may have. If you see something missing from our list of links that you feel contains useful information, please email us and let us know at:
Advanced Care Care planning for future and present health care decisions.
Alzheimer’s Association
www.alzheimer.caA community agency dedicated to improving the quality of life of persons with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias, and their caregivers.
Arthritis Foundation
www.arthritis.orgYour Health, Resources and research.
The Arthritis Society
www.arthritis.caThe Arthritis Society works towards promoting the best possible care and treatment for individuals dealing with arthritis and similar conditions, while continuing research into the causes and cure for arthritis and linked conditions.
Asperger’s Syndrome resource for families, individuals, and medical professionals who deal with the challenges of Asperger Syndrome, Autism, and Pervasive Developmental Disorder.
Autism Society Canada
www.autismsocietycanada.caASC puts special focus on providing information, referral and resources for parents and other family members who are seeking support for children with autism. This site also provides news, resources and links for youths and adults on the spectrum.
Be A Donor
www.beadonor.caLearn about organ and tissue donation.
Camp Towhee Towhee is a residential therapeutic program for children and youth with learning disabilities and related psychosocial difficulties, located in Haliburton, Ontario.
Canadian Diabetes Association
www.diabetes.caLeading the fight against diabetes by helping people with diabetes live healthy lives, while working to find a cure.
The Canadian Lung Association
www.lung.caThe Lung Association works to improve and promote lung health on the National, Provincial and Community level. As well as aiming to help prevent and manage various lung conditions and diseases.
Canadian Mental Health Association
www.cmha.caWe promote the mental health of all and we support the resiliance and recovery of all people experiencing mental illness.
Canadian Paediactric Society's Caring for Kids
www.caringforkids.cps.caDesigned to provide parents with information about their child’s health and well-being.
Canadian Red Cross
www.redcross.caCommunity Health Services, Disaster relief, First Aid.
Centre for ADHD Awareness Canada
www.caddac.caEnabling all Canadians affected by ADHD.
Do 2 Learn
www.do2learn.comDo2learn provides thousands of pages of social skills and behavioral regulation activities and guidance, learning songs and games, communication cards, academic material, and transition guides for employment and life skills.
FASD – FACE, Research and Video Presentations -
Hearing Services
www.themedicalcentre.netExperience staff, dedicated to helping people enjoy a higher quality of life through better hearing.
Heart and Stroke Foundation of Ontario
www.heartandstroke.on.caThe Heart and Stroke Foundation aims to reduce and eliminate heart disease and stroke through research, application and promotion of a healthy lifestyle. This site is a helpful resource for those who are interested in finding out more about heart disease and how to manage it, as well as seeking further support and resources.
Hypertension Canada
www.hypertension.caHypertension Canada brings together Canada's top three hypertension organizations; Canadian Hypertension Society (CHS), Canadian Hypertension Education Program (CHEP), and Blood Pressure Canada (BPC). All three organizations aim to inform, educate and help manage and support those who are at risk or who face hypertension.
Kawartha Komets
www.kawarthakomets.comThe Kawartha Komets, a not-for-profit organization, was launched in 2009 to give girls & boys, teens and adults with physical, emotional and/or neurodevelopmental challenges an opportunity to play the game they love.
Kawartha Sexual Assault Centre
www.kawarthasexualassaultcentre.comThe Kawartha Sexual Assault Centre offers free, immediate and confidential services for victims/survivors of sexual assault.
Kerry’s Place
www.kerrysplace.orgEnhancing the quality of life for people with an autism spectrum disorder.
Learning Disabilities Association of Ontario
www.ldao.caOur mission is to provide leadership in learning disabilities advocacy, research, education and services and to advance the full participation of children, youth and adults with learning disabilities in today’s society.
Life Labs
www.lifelabs.comUsing our knowledge of laboratory medicine to help identify the right course of action to achieve better health care outcomes.
Lives In The Balance
www.livesinthebalance.orgLives In The Balance is a non-profit organization founded by child psychologist Dr. Ross Greene, author of The Explosive Child and Lost at School.
Lupus Canada
www.lupuscanada.orgA source of information about lupus.
Medline Plus, Arthritis Information
www.nlm.nih.govTrusted Health information for you.
Mind Your Mind, Support for Adolescents
www.mindyourmind.caThis is a place for youth and emerging adults to access info, resources and tools during tough times.
Ontario Centre of Excellence for Child and Youth Mental Health
www.excellenceforchildandyouth.caBringing people and knowledge together to strengthen care.
Osteoporosis Canada
www.osteoporosis.caOsteoporosis Canada aims to educate, empower and support both individuals and their communities with risk reduction and treatment of osteoporosis.
Pediatric Therapy Partners Social Skills Check List
www.pediatrictherapypartners.comSocial Skills Checklist.
Peterborough Hospice
www.hospicepeterborough.orgEnhancing the comfort, dignity and quality of life of individuals and families living with or affected by life-threatening illness or grief.
Peterborough Regional Health Centre
www.prhc.on.caInformation about PRHC and our programs & services
www.medicalcentre.netProviding an extensive line of clinical products and services.
Primary Health Care Services Peterborough
www.peterboroughfht.comWorking in partnership with physicians, allied health professionals, specialists, Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care, Central East LHIN, and community groups to identify areas of need in the community and to develop initiatives and programs that best service them.
Scleroderma Society of Canada
www.scleroderma.caDedicated to serving the interests of those concerned with the disease called scleroderma, or systemic sclerosis.
Shake Your Shyness
www.shakeyourshyness.comDedicated to helping people overcome shyness through education.
Survivor’s Abreast
www.survivorsabreast.comWe are a group of breast cancer survivors from the Peterborough area in various stages of treatment and recovery.
Totally ADD
www.totallyadd.comCreated for adults with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADD/ADHD) and those affected by it.
Travel Health Notices
www.phac-aspc.gc.caYour trusted destination for travel health.
Victorian Order of Nurses
www.von.caVON offers home care, personal support, and community services to enhance each client’s quality of life.
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